For all you butt fans....fluffy butts that is....

Gosh, that freaks me out. I mean the weather here is clear and calm and if I can just get them a little more grown up, I won't freak as much. But they are so vulnerable right now.

The power outage was a totally freak accident and probably won't ever happen again. Your little ones will be fine - especially because they have a great chicken mom

Awe, thank you. I just have a soft spot for all animals. And especially, when they are under my care and so very vulnerable, I just worry. I just made DH go home to check up on them. (He says he's not that into them but he is.) Every day that goes by w/ out incident and I relax a bit more. This morning I notice their tiny tail feathers are coming in. AWE!!!! They are probably a week old tomorrow. They grow up so fast!
Great fannies!

I love it when my girls' fannies are fluffy-- BUT what if they're NOT?? I have a few that are sometimes stringy hairy ... does the vinegar/probiotics usually do the trick?
here is a pic of my roo's MASSIVE fluffy butt!!



The little white one is Mellow!!

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