For Genetics Experts---2 Questions


10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
1) How many generations does it take to breed out feather legs?
2) Would it be best to use a Dominique or Barred Plymouth Rock to create Barred Wyandottes?

Actually anyone that knows can answer. Appreciate any answers or comments at all.

Randy Wilson
Feathered legs can be bred out rather quickly. It's a dominant trait, so all of the first generation of chicks will have feathers. But, in the second generation, you'll get 25% chicks with no feathers. If you select only chicks with no feathers on their legs as breeders, you should continue without feathered legs.

I'm not familiar enough with Dominiques to say - but you should choose whichever breed is more similar to Wyandottes in appearance.
Sorry about being so long in getting back to this.
The reason I asked this question about leg feathers is because I want to improve the size of my Easter Eggers. I thought Cochins would be the best to use in upgrading for size. The only other option would be Jersey Giants but they take too long in growing off.

Anyone eith an answer for the Barred Wyandotte question?


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