for those that use deep litter method...please advise me

The idea is that dlm on the dirt will compost because of microbes or some such in the dirt. So it doesn't "truly" compost on a wood or linoleum floor. Even if it doesn't compost it is good insulation.
Two of my coops have floors and I have used DLM for the last two years in both of them with good results. And one of them is over 4 feet above the ground.
My biggest coop has a dirt floor - this is my first year with that one so we'll see how it goes.
So if it does not truly compost being 4ft off the ground do you think it would cause health problems with the chickens?
Would they just be sleeping in their own poo without an of the good effects that the
DLM offers?

Or would it still work I would just need to clean it say 3 times a year instead of 1?

I will just give it a try and see what happens. If it does not compost the way that I want it to I am sure
that there is something that I can add to aid in that effort.
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I just want to say thank you to everyone who contributed to this post. I have found your advice and experiences most
helpful. I appreciate your help and input.

You all are the best. BYC rocks!!!
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I only read through the first page of this post, so apologies if I'm repeating something that's already been said. I'm just thinking back to chemistry class. If chickens (poop) produce amonia, isn't using bleach a bad idea, period? Aren't amonia & bleach deadly when combined? Had a friend who "remembered" this while cleaning out the cat's scratch box with bleach. Just generally not a good idea to mix the two.

maizy'smom :

I only read through the first page of this post, so apologies if I'm repeating something that's already been said. I'm just thinking back to chemistry class. If chickens (poop) produce amonia, isn't using bleach a bad idea, period? Aren't amonia & bleach deadly when combined? Had a friend who "remembered" this while cleaning out the cat's scratch box with bleach. Just generally not a good idea to mix the two.


you are right, I am such an idiot!!! I remember that from school too I just associated it with mixing liquid bleach with liquid ammonia.
But I guess ammonia is ammonia no matter what form it is in. Another good reason not to clean with bleach. Note taken.​
And one more ( I haven't read all this either:) a 10% solution of ammonia kills cocci but bleach does not affect them.
Really! that is interesting. I will have to remember that. Does the ammonia that is in the chicken poo kill cocci? Or does it
have to be cleaning ammonia? Just wondering that's all.
I'm really wanting to try DLM in my playhouse coop but I'm worried it'll damage my floorboards and wall studs (it's open-framed inside ). Should I cover my planked floorboards and wall studs with linoleum or melamine? Has anyone used child-safe shellac or polyurethane varnish?

When you do clean out the old shavings, does it come out "hot" or can I toss it straight in the garden? My wife would bury me in the yard next to the pet turtle if I accidentally killed her garden and flowerbeds... The chickens would go shortly after me since I doubt she'll want to clean the coop.

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