Forgot to turn on egg turner


10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
Willow Alaska
I sat 42 eggs in a hova-bator last Tuesday night...................... just realized today that I forgot to turn on the automatic turner.
Anybody ever done that before, what do you think will happen, am I going to lose all the eggs???
Don't know...but might as well give it a try, and keep us all posted so that WHEN (not IF - LOL) we do it, we will know what is likely to happen!! Good luck!
How did it go? Did the eggs hatch OK.

I always worry about forgetting to turn on the turner.

Hope it was OK.
Hi I really need help I put a polish egg in the incubator for about 7 days and only turned it a couple of times because I thought it was infertile. And I candled it this morning and it's fertile so I put in the auto turner will me not turning it for those first days hurt it?

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