Fort Wayne IN

curious did you get ordinance changed? can you have your hens? new to this but would love my own hens and fresh eggs. please post outcome.
I just got off the phone with Animal Control and no livestock in the city of Fort Wayne. :(

I'm wondering how many of us out here want to try and approach the city counsel?
I just got off the phone with Animal Control and no livestock in the city of Fort Wayne.

I'm wondering how many of us out here want to try and approach the city counsel?
The City Council has their hands full with gang violence, the new violence czar, and going gaga over the city light windfall to worry about backyard chickens.
My family are getting ready for a move into the Fort Wayne area. I recently lost my job due to cut backs and the continued slow in the economy that is taking place here is Mississippi. My husband works from home as a computer engineer and so we are free to move anywhere where there is a strong business class internet connection. I was looking forward to a move to a more rural area where I could cut down on our cost of living by raising chickens, for both meat and eggs. If this ordinance is not changed, I will take my residency elsewhere.
There is currently a petition on Care2 to change the chicken ordinance in Fort Wayne. Please sign it and share it on Facebook. The petition has gained so much momentum, it made yesterday. If you can google it, please vote for yes and post a comment. I really hope we can change the ordinance. If this petition doesn't work, I would like to plan a peaceful protest. Thanks for reading, all :)
My name is Lexie Fretz. I am currently researching bird borne diseases for Michelle Berkes-Adams, she begin this petition. On March 24th 2015 at 5:30pm she and many others are addressing City Council regarding the petitions momentum. We can use all the help we can get!! During public participation the public gets three minutes to speak to the council. This will be one of many proposals to the council regarding the pros and cons of urban chickens. My e-mail is [email protected]. I am on facebook as well and can connect you to this wonderful group of people. Much love!!
Okay, so I haven't read everything yet but I had 6 hens myself and I live downtown fortwayne. Got chicks from the bunny this Easter, thought codes were good and I wanted to have them for my daughter and I. They grew up nice and friendly, built a coop and 3 of them started laying eggs (yummy). Last week my neighbor left his dogs out while he went on vacation, never had a problem with them before. They dug under my 6' fence and killed 3 of my hens, animal care and control was called out and I rushed home. The lady greater my daughter and I, told us what happened and felt bad. She had the 3 dogs locked in the truck and took the deceased hens for disposal. Then informed me I needed to find homes for the other 3 or get code to let us keep them... We have till the end of the month to comply.

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