Found a chicken - I think I want to keep it!

from Missouri
from Australia

You did a good job taking that chook in. She looks like she's fitting right in!

I agree with the others: a coop and a few friends are essential. I don't know about predators in your area, but it's better safe than sorry. We don't have anything that'll hurt them where I live, so they roam around the garden freely
congrats! she sounds like a total sweetheart. thats a score!

Is there anyway you can bring the kennel in at night though? Raccoons are crafty and can no doubt open up a kennel door no problem. Ive had coons rip off a coop door before, they will stop at nothing for a meal. better safe than sorry no?

also as a flock animal, it would do her tons of good to have at least one friend. (a feathered one!). They tend to get a little lonesome after a while.

i think if you want to save up for a nice coop you should be good just using the kennel for a while as long as you can get it into a safe place like your house or garage. Its just a place for her to sleep anyhow. I wouldnt rush the coop if taking your time means you can save up for something super secure, especially with raccoons in the area. Ill tell you from experience that they are the most frustrating predator on the planet!

either way, good luck. It sounds like youve made yourself a very good friend indeed!

i love how everyones tring to talk you in to getting more chickens.. cant tell we all love all of ours if it 2 or 100s they all hold a great place in hour hearts

Congrats! That is awesome.

We once had a goose show up and poop all over our sidewalk, but then found out it belonged to a neighbor down the lane who has a pond. I wanted to keep it, but it eventually went back to the water. I am glad it had a good home although I liked it.

Chickens are the easiest pet I've kept, however, only after we built the coop, got the safe run, etc., which was hard at first, but now caring for them pretty cool, and they give us eggs. I think I would be sure to get something sturdy at first, otherwise, if predators get in, and then it is not so easy to keep chickens.

Hope all goes well. Good luck
I do think friends are in her future. I was thinking 4 is a good number. But, first things first - chicken coop.

Right now I have Pecker in a dog crate. It's a large steel crate 42" and looks like this

I had it in the grass, but because of concerns of predators I moved her. She is now on top of the patio table, on my patio. I pulled all the chairs away so nothing can use the chairs to get on the table. At night I cover her completely. I have a couple cement blocks in the kennel, one with her water dish on top and the other has her food dish. It's not ideal but it's the best I can do right now. I don't have a garage. It is in my fenced in backyard and Lucy's dog door goes right out to the patio.

I don't let her run free when I'm not home. Unfortunately, that means she's in the kennel all day. I leave at 7AM and get back home at 6PM. Today she was really hungry so I'm probably not giving her enough food.

She's much more energetic than when I found her. She's doing well.

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