Found a couple shell-less eggs under roosts


Mar 29, 2018
South Western Idaho
Went to lock up my girls after dark and found two eggs completely shell-less. One had a compete membrane with whites inside, the other looked like it was just a yolk with a thin membrane around it. I harvested a full amount of eggs earlier that day, so these seem like extra? Also, they normally are very good about laying in the nest boxes. These weird shell-less eggs were on the ground.

These are young hens, barely 6-7 months old and just starting to lay. Here is a picture of the one with the full membrane.

I also have a flock of seven new layers about five of them have it down, but this past week and I also have found soft shelled eggs under the roosts like chicken(s) didn’t realize it was an egg? I’m pretty sure it’s one or both of the two “late bloomers” I’ve put out some extra oyster shell hopefully this will remedy the situation. I’m kind of glad the are under the roosts they’ve broken from their fall at least the nest boxes aren’t a mess. Hope yours get it together soon too. So far I’ve found one sometimes two everyday this week.
'Softies' often end up places other then the nests(be glad they're easier to clean up there).
They 'feel' different, and are harder for the contractions to move them down the pike,
so they get 'pooped' out wherever.
Fairy common with new layers, could see more in the first month or so.

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