Found a crow--help?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
I just found a crow in our yard. He was hopping around, and tried to fly but can't get more than a couple feet up. I haven't touched him cuz I'm afraid he might be sick or something (a couple days ago I found a robin on the ground panting/hanging his I'm a little creeped out.)

It's acting normal (very alert, trying to run away from us).

Oh and that thing is plain scary with it's 3inch long beak!

Any ideas what I should do with it?

Leave it alone? (don't want to do that because my chickens are free ranging)


Is it full grown? We had fledgling dove try to make it's first flight and it didn't make it. She landed in our yard but could not fly back up, maybe this is what's going on?
I could try to catch it in a sheet (toss it over it and grab it) that way you don't have to touch it, and you won't worry about being bitten by the 3 in beak! You can wash/bleach the sheet later. Then you can transfer him/her somewhere other than your property if you're worried it might be sick and infect your birds. If it doesn't appear hurt or anything I wouldn't think just moving it to a different location would be a big deal. Anyone else got any suggestions?
I would call an animal rehab. and see if they have any sugestions. Or you could call animal control or your local animal rescue
otherwise I wouldn't touch it. Mabie stick a bowl of water out there for the poor little guy.
Personally I would throw a towel over it and inspect it for gun shot wounds, caught up fishing line etc.... I would then put it in a quiet place, in a dog kennel with water and some food until animal control or a bird rehabbed could be contacted.
It is possible that it is just a fledgling. They look like adults but an immature crow has blue eyes. Hopefully, that is all it is and the adults are keeping an eye on it.

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