found a duckling--help


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
Earlier this morning my dad found a duckling in our garden. He is very young, probably hatched yesterday (still has his egg tooth). He is a mallard or mallard/pekin cross (there is a trio of pekin/mallard ducks that live on our street)
Anyhow, the issue is he has horribly curled toes! He's basically walking on his ''ankles'' if that makes any sense? I think this is because all the ducks in his bevy are closely related.

Is there anyway to correct his feet? He can swim okay, walks fairly well, but if he falls down, he can't get up, and he doesn't move very fast (never make with his 'flock' on this street--too many predators)


Maybe take some cardboard and bandaid and put a piece under the feet and attach the foot to it with the bandaid? It's supposed to help straighten them put. Good luck!
Yes yes!
The bandage with the cardboard. Make a wee set of shoes for the wee duckling.
Poor little guy, it's great that you found him!
Hope he does well! <3
Exactly what the above posters suggest. I think it's caused by a bacteria that gets in the egg, but I'm not sure. When I worked at a wildlife rehab center we would occasionally get ducks and geese like this. You'll want to massage the webbing and toes with some kind of oil to moisturize the tissue and get it flexible. Putting the shoe right on might be difficult with out first working the ligaments of the feet loose. Good luck!

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