Found a free cage. How should I set it up?


5 Years
Feb 6, 2015

We found this cage on the side of the road, free. The box next to it is not currently attached. The wire cage had been set up with ramps (as a 3 story cage) and was standing on its end. The front/middle panel opens up.

My eggs just hatched and we have 13 chicks. Without knowing the sex of them, what is the best way to set this up? I know it needs a roof and a bottom, some hole patching, and a better latch at the very least. Should all birds be in the same cage? Is it too tall (2ft I think)?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
What kind of quail? Quail roosters cant be kept together so how many quail and how you set it up depends on their breed. Bobs are one roo to 1-2 hens. Coturnix are 1 roo to 5-7 hens.
With 13 cots you most likely wont have more than 5-7 hens anyway. They hatch pretty close to half and half hens and roos. Youll probably end up just have to get rid of a few roosters. Or eat them.

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