Found a rooster


15 Years
Mar 12, 2009

I am not sure to post this. I found a RIR rooster this morning. It was being chased by some large dogs a few blocks over, so I took him home. He is in a crate separated from my hens (don't want them to catch any disease). He seems healthy except for some black on his comb. I've had several RIR with genetic liver problems. Could this be the same thing?

Honestly, I don't know what to do. Any thoughts on this?
Welcome back to BYC.
Quarantine him for 30 days then introduce him to your hens if you like him.
Post pictures of the black on his comb. It could just be scabs from a fight.
Otherwise, advertise him for rehoming on local/regional FB Poultry Groups and your local CL. Good luck.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Yes definitely post a photo of his head and comb so we can see, very nice if you to rescue him! And it's a great idea to quarantine him, if he has something you don't want to make the rest of your flock sick.

Welcome to our community!
He seems very happy. I think he has been running around in the heat, possibility without food or water for a few days.


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He seems very happy. I think he has been running around in the heat, possibility without food or water for a few days.
Big combed roosters can have uneven color on their combs, his does look thin so no doubt he is dehydrated. The color will probably return over time.

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