Found An Alien in the coop this morning ***UPDATE PICS*****

Right On Reds

In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 13, 2009
This morning I found the strangest thing in the coop.

I can't tell if its a poop, an egg gone horribly wrong, or something else.

I have five mixed aged RIR/comets. My best layer, who is a year and a half old is going through a major molt and was lethargic yesterday with all sorts of poop on her backside. She had been fine the day before.

So I took her in, washed the poop (dark green) off her bottom and soaked her in the sink in warm water. She seemed to not mind it a bit and ate a bunch of blueberries, cracked corn and farina as she was soaking - from my hand. This was a good thing as her crop seemed pretty empty and I'd found her in the coop not free ranging with the others. Her crown was a bright red.

So this morning she seems fine, and is walking around and I believe she laid an egg. She has a distinct egg song and when I heard it this morning I ran outside and found her sitting on top of a newly laid warm pristine egg.

But then I looked down and saw on the ground this egg colored mass (light brown/tan/red). It was solid and rubbery and I picked it open and for some reason smelled it and a gut wrenching stink came out of it. It seems to be a mix of this meaty looking egg colored stuff and some thin cartelage material mixed together. I would compate the consistancy of the meaty part to compressed tuna. The cartalage material was very thin, like an onion skin.

At this point all the hens are running around, eating, scratching so all's well in that respect. I did find a very watery dark green/white poop but who knows from which butt it came!

I do not know which hen laid or poo'd this alien mass and was wondering what it was.

Any ideas?
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Sounds kinda like some of the photos that I have seen from it was either internal layers or ovarian cycts? You might want to search those topics and see if you see something familliar in the pictures. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Hope she keeps doing good!
Hmmm.... I don't think she laying internally. She's pretty consistant with laying and hasn't quit laying at least 5-7 eggs a week.

I have to check out the ascarites thing.
Okay, so I looked at the threads regarding egg yolk peritonitis.

The thing I found did look like kinda like this:


But it came out voluntarily. Also my hen doesn't have a swollen abdomen or anything. I'm not even sure if the alien ick stuff came out of her or someone else. I just thought it might be her as she was the one feeling lethargic yesterday.

Any more info please?
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Okay so here are pics from today.

Here is Celia, my prima egg layer and the subject of these posts



The alien ick next to a smallish egg from a hour ago


Note the piece of hay on the right pointing to the cartilage looking piece


Poo pics: Please note all the chickens ate many blueberries today and Celia had them last night as well LOL
These are the worst of the poos, all others are textbook normal



The girls foraging, Celia is second from the bottom on the right


Celia closeups, fore and aft as it were




Celia standing in front of the fat RIR who is laying down


She is grazing like the others, soaking up sun like the others. I'm so confused......

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