Found baby pig!! HELP! :D


8 Years
Oct 25, 2011
Found a baby pig just now! What should I do? It's about 10 inches long & very small. What should I feed it?
I fed it warm milk & oats. Is that okay?

Any advice appreciated!
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I'm guessing you found a "wild" baby? Has a couple stripes and spots? They are cute but like any wild animal don't make great pets. That being said if it is less than about 10 lbs it is probably still suckeling and should be given a good quality "Uni" milk or livestock milk powder in soaked dog food, cows milk, especially processed, is not a good subsitute. The cheap dogfood works best as it is usually corn based. Dogfood can continue to be fed as the pig grows, no longer soaking as the pig gets over about 15 lbs. Their teeth are very sharp even now, so please be very careful. You should check local ordinances since pigs are considered a pest in Hawaii, it may not be legal to keep it.
Hope this helps and good luck
I live in Hawaii where feral pigs are everywhere. I have a baby pig that I got when it was about 3 or 4 weeks old. It has tripled in size and doing great. I fed it baby ride cereal, milk, mashed bananas and yogurt. I made this mixture slightly warm and really soupy and fed it to him in a pie dish. He would actually suck the mixture up and got such a huge cute full tummy. I bought a bag of food for baby pigs and slowly started adding this to the rice cereal mixture until now (one month later) he is eating mostly piglet food and kitchen scraps.
Not sure what the experts would say but my little piggy is fat and happy and healthy. He wears a harness and stays on a leash in my yard to keep him out of my garden cuz he LOVES to root around in the dirt. We will have to keep him in a pen soon cuz I usually tie is runner to a cinder block and move his location now and then but he is starting to be able to move the cinder block. lol

Oh one more thing, keep your little pig warm at first.
How is the piglet doing? I would love to see pictures!
My mini/potbellied had six babies this morning. They are so small and cute. They pretty much hit the ground running when they are born. Eyes open. So your piglet could be a newborn.
Goats milk (fresh not canned) would be best for it. You can mix in baby cereal or oats. The piglet will need some iron. Since it was outside it might be ok with that. They get iron from snuffling around in the dirt.
They need heat for the first two weeks. If you have a housecat it might start sleeping with the piglet and keep it warm. For some reason cats love piglets. My barn cats sleep with my adult miniature pigs in the winter. Sometimes a few chickens will sleep on top of the pigs too.
Feed 4-6 times a day. Mom pig doesn't nurse all of the time like dogs and cats do. They make a soft snorting or grunting noise when they let down their milk for the piglets. The babies come running when momma grunts.
Watch out for diahrea it can kill a piglet fast. Have some probios on hand. It might be a good idea to go ahead and give it some probios because of the diet change from mom to what you are feeding. Keep a heavy bowl of water out all of the time.
Good Luck! I love my pigs!
I forgot. Pick it up from underneath. Piglets have an inherant fear of anything that moves too fast from above. It is to keep them from getting squished from mom. Move slow and keep your hand on the floor and tell piggy you are picking it up.
Have fun!
How is the piglet doing? I would love to see pictures!
My mini/potbellied had six babies this morning. They are so small and cute. They pretty much hit the ground running when they are born. Eyes open. So your piglet could be a newborn.
Goats milk (fresh not canned) would be best for it. You can mix in baby cereal or oats. The piglet will need some iron. Since it was outside it might be ok with that. They get iron from snuffling around in the dirt.
They need heat for the first two weeks. If you have a housecat it might start sleeping with the piglet and keep it warm. For some reason cats love piglets. My barn cats sleep with my adult miniature pigs in the winter. Sometimes a few chickens will sleep on top of the pigs too.
Feed 4-6 times a day. Mom pig doesn't nurse all of the time like dogs and cats do. They make a soft snorting or grunting noise when they let down their milk for the piglets. The babies come running when momma grunts.
Watch out for diahrea it can kill a piglet fast. Have some probios on hand. It might be a good idea to go ahead and give it some probios because of the diet change from mom to what you are feeding. Keep a heavy bowl of water out all of the time.
Good Luck! I love my pigs!
Thanks for all the advice! Yes, Will post pics soon!

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