Found my hen injured


Jul 13, 2023
Pittsburgh county, OK
This baby got attacked by something and I found her hiding under my neighbors porch
No I can’t find a wound she’s missing feathers I think my lab/coonhound mix did it my other dog helped guard and raised the chickens they live in an inclosed run and while counting I noticed she was gone. So I started looking and found tons of feathers and then I heard her make a noise and found her under his stairs I don’t think there is a wound but her comb is dark purple it is in the 20s-30s could that be it
Can you search all over her body for a wound? Does she have any bald spots from loosing feathers? That could be where an injury might be.

On a side not, I've had a few dog attacks where the only injury was feather loss. The feathers are usually what the dog gets first, and when a chicken is panicking, they'll drop whatever feathers are in a predator's mouth. (Think lizards losing their tails so they can escape.)
Can you search all over her body for a wound? Does she have any bald spots from loosing feathers? That could be where an injury might be.

On a side not, I've had a few dog attacks where the only injury was feather loss. The feathers are usually what the dog gets first, and when a chicken is panicking, they'll drop whatever feathers are in a predator's mouth. (Think lizards losing their tails so they can escape.)
She has no injuries or bald spots but her tail and wing feathers are missing lots.
I would treat for shock, sweetened electrolyte water, keep her warm in a semi dark place for 24 hours.
I gave her electrolyte water with a pinch of sugar and put her in my spare room with my two roosters (my Roos have frostbite and are in separate totes) and turned the light off my house usually is 75 F°
She has no injuries or bald spots but her tail and wing feathers are missing lots.
That might be her only injuries. I'm glad your girl was able to escape!
I gave her electrolyte water with a pinch of sugar and put her in my spare room with my two roosters (my Roos have frostbite and are in separate totes) and turned the light off my house usually is 75 F°
Do the totes have ventilation? Also, if you’re planning on putting them back outside before spring, you want to be careful you don't shock them from the temperature drop.

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