found on the said of road


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
i found a chicken on the side of the road i think in fell out one of them trucks that hall chickens. what kind of chickens are they i belive its a rooster its all white and heavy
If it's white and heavy and probably a meat chicken, would it not be a Cornish cross?

Its a Cornish X.
What exactly is going on with him/her? I knwo the ones that I have that actually fell off trucks needed pain meds and an antibiotic ASAP. And I had to feed one with a dropper till the swelling in her face went down enough for her to feed herself.
There are MANY threads about the care of 'broiler' chickens and if you need any help at all please PM me, I have way too much experience with these guys!

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