FOUND: Peeping Tom's Wife on BYC!


11 Years
Aug 2, 2008
Hagerstown, MD
OK, ok.... so my DH's name is Tom and I feel like I am peeking into your lives. I have been reading this forum for several months now... posting a few things here and there. But for the most part, I just read what everyone else writes. I have learned SO much about chickens, goats, receipes, and COLD weather!

Most people seem to be very nice with only the occasional jumping down a throat or two. I am a Respiratory Therapist by trade and BYC gives me something to do on my downtime during the long nights. Except for the great food I have found, my DH would probably prefer me to not spend so much time here since it has caused a spike in our electric bill (due to incubator usage) lol. 24 chicken eggs and 6 ducks due in February.

We are getting 8 to 10 eggs a day now (the girls started laying in mid December) and we were able to offer some dear friends of ours free eggs as partial payment for all they have done for us! That feels great!

Thanks for all the information everyone is willing to share so that others... including those of us that would rather read than write, can learn more about these awesome animals God has put here for us to enjoy!


I really appreciate it when lurkers come out of "lurkdom" to join us on the forum. It's so nice to know you're there and that you're enjoying BYC.

Feel free to jump into the conversation any time you like!

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