Found two stranded Roosters in Park!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 15, 2013
Washington State
On my way to work this morning, I looked over to see two Bantam Roos in the mix up of ducks and geese at a local park!
I can't believe people who would just dump there animals off, grrrrrrr

I fed them some chips i had in my lunch, they wont come to me, or let me get close, but they did eat it. I cannot have roosters where i live, but i don't want to leave them there...What should I do?????
On my way to work this morning, I looked over to see two Bantam Roos in the mix up of ducks and geese at a local park!
I can't believe people who would just dump there animals off, grrrrrrr

I fed them some chips i had in my lunch, they wont come to me, or let me get close, but they did eat it. I cannot have roosters where i live, but i don't want to leave them there...What should I do?????
You can call animal control or leave them alone. Keep in mind that you dont know the history of these birds. They might be carrying diseases or parasites. Some diseases are transmitted on clothing, shoes etc...I dont think you'd want to unintentionally put your flock at risk. Remember biosecurity.

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