Four chickens missing in a day


May 21, 2021
I free range all my chickens and we live in 30 acres surrounded by woods, so I realize we have predators. When I counted them all last night as they were on their roosts I realized 4 were missing. We’ve lost chickens before, but not four at a time. We’ve had a raccoon coming around the coop at night, but it’s very secure and it can’t get in. That being said, I ready to shoot it because it has been coming around nightly for almost a month and circles the coop for 30min - 1 hour at a time. But I’m trying to figure out what would have killed 4 chickens in a day. I haven’t found their bodies and they didn’t show up this morning just in case they decided to roost somewhere else last night. Any ideas??
Thanks Mary. I’ll go check the others. No obvious wounds, but I didn’t look closely. They are all staying inside today. I went out and looked this morning and didn’t see any trails of feathers. I looked in the areas they typically frequent. We have one game camera and an Arlo camera on the coop. We need more game cameras though. I’m hoping some will show up today. I keep going out and calling them.
This is hard, sorry about the missing hens. I don't have any other advice besides maybe keeping them penned up for a couple days. Most predators, once they have an easy meal will come back for more.
This is hard, sorry about the missing hens. I don't have any other advice besides maybe keeping them penned up for a couple days. Most predators, once they have an easy meal will come back for more.
Yeah, it sucks. I know it’s the risk with free range. I’m planning on keeping them penned up for the next few days.

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