Fowl Pox in Eye or Pecked? Clear film/goo in eye


9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Bishop CA
My flock just went through a bad bout of Fowl Pox, wet and dry, and today one of my roosters had escaped from his recovery pen (I'm still not sure how, but he's a houdini chicken when it comes to being away from his girls). Thankfully he only went to hang out with the girls and boy that already had it. My roosters have never fought before this incident. While they've been sick, they've been separated and they suddenly can't stand one another!

My Faverolle rooster that escaped and got in the pen is almost 2 years old, and was recovering still from the Fowl Pox. He had wet pox in his mouth, but almost all of it is gone and he is back to normal weight and behavior. When I found him in the other pen, he was running around like normal, and actually neither of them were fighting at the time, but the rooster's left eye was swollen and it has a big clear gel-like substance on it. The white part of his eye may be red, but it's hard to say since his eyes are red as well and he's keeping it mostly closed. I wasn't sure what to do so I separated him again, in a shed of his own so he can't escape the pen again, and am watching him closely.

The clear gel seems red, although maybe again just because the eye behind it is red, and is stuck on his eye (not something you can wipe off). It doesn't look anything like the yellow-cheesy pox. I wanted to make sure if it was a sudden onset of the pox in his eye, or if it sounds like the other boy pecked his eye. And if so, how should I go about treating it? Eye antibiotics maybe?

Not sure if he can see or not through the eye, but I'll check in the morning once it's light.

Thank you!!
My EE pullet got pecked in both eyes by a bully hen. The were very swollen and shut, and eventually started draining a little. I separated her overnight but during the day before and the next morning, I rinsed her eyes out with eye wash, just regular stuff you get at the drugstore. I also picked up some Vetericyn Opthamalic Eye Gel at TSC and put that on both of her eyes. By the next day the swelling had gone down considerably and she could see again. The Eye Gel isn't an antibiotic. I was going to get Terramycin, but TSC was out of it at the time. The Vetericyn worked well though. Good luck with your Roo,

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