Fowl pox questions...


6 Years
Jul 6, 2013
I've been one week really sick, just going out to feed my chickens and give them fresh water and ice cubes and today that I have paid closer attention and played with them a little, I noticed white spots on their combs and wattles. Not all of them but most of my oldest chickens got it.
After comparing with internet pictures I have come to a conclusion: Fowl Pox (I'm taking two of them to the vet tomorrow just in case it's something else)

My questions are:

1- I've read about making an ointment mixing sulphur and vaseline. Looking for sulphur I've found some ointments containing 10% sulphur and only vegetable oils. Would you use these instead? Like the one on the picture attached.

2- Anyone here has gone through this? My girls are free ranging all day, they get apple cider vinegar once in a while, electrolytes, vitamins, they get their frozen treats... I've read about isolating the ill ones but as all of them have developed spots I don't know what to do.

3- Any special recommendations on how to clean the places they hang out at? I spread DE on their coop, it's clean and free of parasites. And for cleaning the concrete floor on my patio, which is where they love to hang out the most, I use an orange oil solution. I've read about using Oxine... is it really safe?

4- I've got other birds as Coturnix quail and Button Quail... they show no symptoms. Is there a vaccine for them as there is for chickens?

I'm really upset :( You can really tell it's uncomfortable for them.

Thank you in advance for any help or advice or cheering up words!!


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Fowl pox is transmitted by mosquitoes mostly. In Louisiana every flock I’ve ever started gets a case of it their first year. It will look horrible but they will recover on their own in about three weeks then be immune to it after. I’ve never had one die from it. Wet pox is dangerous but I don’t have any experience with it. It looks like yours will have a bad case of dry pox. I don’t think the vet can do much other than take your money. Keep the electrolyte flowing as they can get pretty stressed out while they have it.. There is a vaccine you can give to young chickens but it won’t cure them. I’m about to order some to try on 12 young chickens I have. Here’s a link.
Fowl pox is transmitted by mosquitoes mostly. In Louisiana every flock I’ve ever started gets a case of it their first year. It will look horrible but they will recover on their own in about three weeks then be immune to it after. I’ve never had one die from it. Wet pox is dangerous but I don’t have any experience with it. It looks like yours will have a bad case of dry pox. I don’t think the vet can do much other than take your money. Keep the electrolyte flowing as they can get pretty stressed out while they have it.. There is a vaccine you can give to young chickens but it won’t cure them. I’m about to order some to try on 12 young chickens I have. Here’s a link.

Thank you so very much for your input, it really DOES help me a lot. It's good to know they will not get this thing again.
I've read about the vaccine but I'm not sure which ones are developing this illness and which ones are not :(
I've got 26 chickens, younger ones are about 4 months old and the rest are 8 months.

It is clearly bothering this one on pictures, which is the one which has the worst case. She keeps shaking her head poor thing.
Dang, these situations are tough, I know you people understand what I mean, we take good care of our chickens and spoil them and then something happens to them and we feel like we were horrible chicken parents..

I guess it is a good thing they haven't stopped laying eggs? I love these crazy birds a big deal :love
Thank you so very much for your input, it really DOES help me a lot. It's good to know they will not get this thing again.
I've read about the vaccine but I'm not sure which ones are developing this illness and which ones are not :(
I've got 26 chickens, younger ones are about 4 months old and the rest are 8 months.

It is clearly bothering this one on pictures, which is the one which has the worst case. She keeps shaking her head poor thing.
Dang, these situations are tough, I know you people understand what I mean, we take good care of our chickens and spoil them and then something happens to them and we feel like we were horrible chicken parents..

I guess it is a good thing they haven't stopped laying eggs? I love these crazy birds a big deal :love
If your flock has it don't see why you would vaccinate now, they've already been exposed, best to get it and get it over with as they aren't baby chicks. Not a whole lot you can do for a viral, though I tend to treat them some minced garlic and make sure they have plenty of fresh clean water, and practice good bio security. funny not sure if it was timing or they knew what they needed, they mugged me coming in with the bag that had garlic and bananas, they seem to love bananas too when not feeling aw well as normal.

DE is not really good for them or us as a preventative and can be quite a irritant not only to them but to us as well, they are jsut as good off being out in the dirt.
might have some other suggestions for ya
Fowl pox vaccine should only be given to birds who have not been exposed or showing symptoms of pox. I would not use any creams or ointments on the combs and wattles. They cool themselves through the combs, so it might prevent that. Also scabs are contagious, and disturbing them can spread the pox virus. Since scabs eventually dry up and fall off, becoming powdery, they can be inhaled and the virus can keep spreading over a few months. If any are doing poorly, look inside the beak and throat for any yellow plaques of wet pox, a more serious type. There is no treatment for pox. It usually lasts about 3 weeks.
I've been one week really sick, just going out to feed my chickens and give them fresh water and ice cubes and today that I have paid closer attention and played with them a little, I noticed white spots on their combs and wattles. Not all of them but most of my oldest chickens got it.
After comparing with internet pictures I have come to a conclusion: Fowl Pox (I'm taking two of them to the vet tomorrow just in case it's something else)

My questions are:

1- I've read about making an ointment mixing sulphur and vaseline. Looking for sulphur I've found some ointments containing 10% sulphur and only vegetable oils. Would you use these instead? Like the one on the picture attached.View attachment 1926538

2- Anyone here has gone through this? My girls are free ranging all day, they get apple cider vinegar once in a while, electrolytes, vitamins, they get their frozen treats... I've read about isolating the ill ones but as all of them have developed spots I don't know what to do.

3- Any special recommendations on how to clean the places they hang out at? I spread DE on their coop, it's clean and free of parasites. And for cleaning the concrete floor on my patio, which is where they love to hang out the most, I use an orange oil solution. I've read about using Oxine... is it really safe?

4- I've got other birds as Coturnix quail and Button Quail... they show no symptoms. Is there a vaccine for them as there is for chickens?

I'm really upset :( You can really tell it's uncomfortable for them.

Thank you in advance for any help or advice or cheering up words!!

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I don’t know if anyone is reading this thread but I have a 2 yr old hen that was lethargic about 2 weeks ago I gave my girls (4 hens) some electrolyte water and she seemed fine like and hour later, yesterday evening she was lethargic again so I brought her in for the night. No real signs other then being off to herself puffed up, again I gave some electrolytes. This morning she seemed to be fine again, her crop was empty and she ate when I gave her some feed. She was vocal and seemed to be back to herself, then she got quiet and was lay down so I thought she was going to lay an egg. No egg laid, just some poop that was clear liquids with some dark material (posting picture) so I thought maybe she is egg bound so I just have her an Epsoms salt bath and while doing that I noticed she has some black spots on her comb (possible fowl pox? Picture posted as well) if it’s fowl pox do her symptoms sound right?!?


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I've been one week really sick, just going out to feed my chickens and give them fresh water and ice cubes and today that I have paid closer attention and played with them a little, I noticed white spots on their combs and wattles. Not all of them but most of my oldest chickens got it.
After comparing with internet pictures I have come to a conclusion: Fowl Pox (I'm taking two of them to the vet tomorrow just in case it's something else)

My questions are:

1- I've read about making an ointment mixing sulphur and vaseline. Looking for sulphur I've found some ointments containing 10% sulphur and only vegetable oils. Would you use these instead? Like the one on the picture attached.View attachment 1926538

2- Anyone here has gone through this? My girls are free ranging all day, they get apple cider vinegar once in a while, electrolytes, vitamins, they get their frozen treats... I've read about isolating the ill ones but as all of them have developed spots I don't know what to do.

3- Any special recommendations on how to clean the places they hang out at? I spread DE on their coop, it's clean and free of parasites. And for cleaning the concrete floor on my patio, which is where they love to hang out the most, I use an orange oil solution. I've read about using Oxine... is it really safe?

4- I've got other birds as Coturnix quail and Button Quail... they show no symptoms. Is there a vaccine for them as there is for chickens?

I'm really upset :( You can really tell it's uncomfortable for them.

Thank you in advance for any help or advice or cheering up words!!

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Hi , sorry your girl is having this issue very common with mosquitoes who are infected and bugs .

First of all do nothing with pox until they seems wet or I Infected .
Trust me in few week they will go away and never happened again in life. Because once a chicken infect with pox virus then it never happen again

Only monitor If she's fine and scabs are dry .
Give her poultry Vitamin and care also hygiene

In major cases Tetracycline or Neomycin used orally when it's worsen otherwise in dry cases nothing need to use except hygiene and care
@Goldnmine has your hen been laying eggs recently? She might be showing signs of a reproductive disorder or a crop problem. Sometimes those can occur together. Can you feel of her crop to check if it is empty and flat, or if it is full, firm, doughy, or puffy? Check it again first thing in the morning before she has anything in her crop. Can you offer some water with electrolytes? Is she eating? Wet chicken feed, cooked egg, tuna are some things in addition to her dry feed to offer.

Are the other chickens pecking at her? The dark spots on her comb look more like peck marks to me, but it may be pox. If it is pox, there is no treatment necessary. It runs it’s course over 3 weeks or so.
@Goldnmine has your hen been laying eggs recently? She might be showing signs of a reproductive disorder or a crop problem. Sometimes those can occur together. Can you feel of her crop to check if it is empty and flat, or if it is full, firm, doughy, or puffy? Check it again first thing in the morning before she has anything in her crop. Can you offer some water with electrolytes? Is she eating? Wet chicken feed, cooked egg, tuna are some things in addition to her dry feed to offer.

Are the other chickens pecking at her? The dark spots on her comb look more like peck marks to me, but it may be pox. If it is pox, there is no treatment necessary. It runs it’s course over 3 weeks or so.
This morning her crop was flat, she is eating and drinking. She is inside, she seems to be acting pretty normal now. This morning she was quiet and acting like she was going to lay an egg, but nothing. Her vent is clean and is pulsating from time to time. I did not feel an egg inside. 3 days ago she was in the nesting box with a broken egg, she was just kind of standing over it. I’m not sure if she laid it or not, it was broken shell with yolk and the clear part of the egg. But I did t think anything of it because she was acting fine and I thought it just got stepped on or something. She is with 3 other hens and they do peck each other from time to time.

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