Fowl pox support, please??

Poor babies! My flock had fowl pox and one of my hens got it in the eyes too. One of her eyes was completely shut and the other one almost. I kept her separate from the others for a couple of days, but she was not happy so I put her back with the flock. She's recovered now. I had two out of ten hens that did not get it. She was the only one that got it in the eyes, but a had a Cream Legbar whose comb was so full of scabs it was sad to see her.

I hope they all get better soon especially the first one you posted the picture of and Ginger. All of mine recovered and I'm sure yours will too. It's just not fun to see them with all those scabs,
Poor babies! My flock had fowl pox and one of my hens got it in the eyes too. One of her eyes was completely shut and the other one almost. I kept her separate from the others for a couple of days, but she was not happy so I put her back with the flock. She's recovered now. I had two out of ten hens that did not get it. She was the only one that got it in the eyes, but a had a Cream Legbar whose comb was so full of scabs it was sad to see her.

I hope they all get better soon especially the first one you posted the picture of and Ginger. All of mine recovered and I'm sure yours will too. It's just not fun to see them with all those scabs,
Thank you for sharing. So good to know that she and the others recovered! They do look pitiful.
If they haven’t developed scabs yet, they could be vaccinated, but it probably would take a few days to get the vaccine and to give it. Or you could separate the chicks where the mosquitoes can’t get to them, and wait and see.
The chicks sleep in a separate area. I think the reason the two who have it so bad is because one was broody and sleeping in a nest box and the other was sleeping in a nest box right next to her. Think the mosquitoes are worse there.
The chicks just turned 8 weeks today, which is the soonest they can be vaccinated. Most of my younger hens and cockerel show signs but not nearly as intense. I will ponder on the vaccine. It is shipped overnight. I’d be lying if I said I want to try giving it to them. Thank you for responding!
Sylvia eyes are still shut but she’s feeling a little better I think. Ginger seems better today too. Hope they are turning the corner!!
Poor babies! My flock had fowl pox and one of my hens got it in the eyes too. One of her eyes was completely shut and the other one almost. I kept her separate from the others for a couple of days, but she was not happy so I put her back with the flock. She's recovered now. I had two out of ten hens that did not get it. She was the only one that got it in the eyes, but a had a Cream Legbar whose comb was so full of scabs it was sad to see her.

I hope they all get better soon especially the first one you posted the picture of and Ginger. All of mine recovered and I'm sure yours will too. It's just not fun to see them with all those scabs,
Do you remember how many days her eyes were shut? Not seeing any improvement in Sylvia’s eyes although she’s eating and drinking better. Ginger, the lighter hen is improved today. Thanks!
I don’t, but I would say it was close to a week.
Well that’s a relief, kinda. So sad for my girl but we’re getting her eating and drinking routine down. She pecks her food and I put water up to her beak and she drinks from a tiny spoon. Beats squirting it in her mouth.
Thank you!!
Improving in right eye, can see a sliver of eyeball! I bought MicrocymAH pink eye spray and sprayed it pretty good where her eye lids come together, then slathered on Terramycin eye ointment.


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