fox ate all my chickens

Can you tell me more about the "hot wire"? Do you mean like an electric fence? Where did you purchase it and where did you get the solar charger?

Does anybody know these things?

Thanks for all your advice and consolations. I know you guys really understand.
So sorry for your loss. I had a neighborhood mutt kill one of my hens by digging under the fence. Now I have an electric fence. I have hardware cloth around the bottom of my coop as well as the windows, door and vents. I have chicken wire around the run and yard but I also have an electric fence outside of the regular fence and run. I had a possum awhile back try to get under the fence until it made contact with the electric wire and the other night I was outside and something made contact with the electric wire as I heard a critter cry. My electric runs usually between 6000 and 8000 volts.
Sorry for your losses! We got an electric fence and solar charger at the local hardware/feed/small farm store (ours is called Race Brothers, but I think they are local here in Missouri). If you have a feed store nearby and they don't have electric fences and chargers, they might know who does--or they might be able to order one for you. I hope you can find one. Keeping out predators is so hard!
We have tractor supply co. here in texas. They carry the solar electric fence chargers. The solar is built into the system. They are rather expensive. If you have power close by your can get a charger for about 20 bucks plus wire.
I'm so sorry. Your story sounds like my worst fear. This is my first experience raising chickens . my 16 bird mixed flock is about 4 weeks old. We are in the process of building a coop for them it should be ready very soon. I have lived in rural America for the last 5 years and have seen many different animals in the yard ranging from moose to raccoons . We turned on the light the other night and there he was plain as day an adult red fox. It seemed like he was licking his chops and asking when would dinner be ready. I was flabergasted. Who would of "thunk" it. If any predator harms my babies I would be done. Our plan is to hot wire the outer fence, cement the foundation to prevent digging under and up plus traps. If this fails however and I can't protect them then I won't be able to do this. Good luck on whatever u decide to do.
Gena, Type in "electric fence" on your search engine and you'll get several options, Tractor supply, etc. You'll find various options and a wide price range with these. Can even order on-line if you want!
I am very sorry for your loss! I am also feeling that same loss. I had 3 beautiful buff orp's and let them out in my yard, 30 minutes later, all I had was feathers. No bodies, no blood, no noise. I had my windows open and didn't hear anything. My dog didn't hear anything either. I saw a fox in my neighbors yard right after but I can't understand how one fox got all 3. I am devasted. I thought that they were safe during the day in my yard, obviously not. I will get more soon I hope but I am heart broken. My chicks will always be in a chicken tractor when out in the yard from now on. I am going to make sure the coop is more predator proof if I can. I will keep looking on this site to make it safe for my future chickens.
Thank you, and I too am sorry for your loss. I'm going to get more chickens this week because I've just put too much time (and money) into it to quite totally. I'll give it one more go....... they really are a lot of fun! I put a roof on my 8 foot high fence and installed new upgraded locks all over the coop.

Here's to fox-proof coops!
I too lost 10 2 month old chicks last night. Bodies everywhere, some missing heads, others whole, 1 completely torn apart, and 1 missing altogether. I have 8 chicks left, and 2 adults. Now I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of spending the night outside the pen with a shotgun. There is no sign of anything getting into the pen, so it must have jumped the fence also. I've talked to several people, and everyone has a different opinion on what killed them. I have never seen a possom or raccoon where I live, but we do have skunks, foxes and coyotes. They won't roost up high yet, they still like to sleep on the ground all huddled together.
In response to cooteroo,

Many people are saying that it was a coon. We live here near 1, possibly 2 dens of foxes. We've ( my family and neighbors) seen them personally on many occasions. They are actually quite small. They are about the size of a cat, and then add the fox tail. I think they're very dexterous and the old saying about "the fox in the hen house" didn't come from nowhere!

I think you had a fox. I added hook and eye locks on my coop doors - all of them - and added a roof with hex netting and plasti-ties. I'm getting 5 new chickens on Thurs. and will let you know how it goes!

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