Fox or raccoon?

Farmer Mike S

7 Years
Oct 18, 2012
Glen Mills, PA
My dads coop suffered our first ever break in and we lost 3 chickens last night. However, with that aside, I'm trying to determine the culprit.

The break in happened at night, and whatever it was tore a hole through the chicken wire to enter. There are no remains other than feathers, and two of the five chickens are unharmed. There could theoretically be more alive, but out and about.

I live in southeastern PA, and the main chicken predators are Hawks, raccoons, and fox. It's mostly likely raccoon or fox, but I don't know if there's any disquingishing features.
Unless there are live chickens somewhere, it was probably fox. A raccoon won't carry off 3 chickens. They will just eat what they can on the spot.

Sadly, you've learned that chicken wire keeps chickens in but doesn't keep predators out.
We have raccoons, opossums, fox, coyote, mink, dogs, etc..
Yea, my coop has hardware cloth around the sides and also buried. My dad insisted the chicken wire was good enough on his, but obviously not. I hate to say it, but the chickens are getting old so it's an opportunity to bring in some new layers, and upgrade that chicken wire
My neighbor has lost so many chickens over the years. I have too but at least I close off all the openings.
He pretty much loses his whole flock each year.
Many predators can get into the coop through chicken wire; it really doesn't matter who it is. Fixing the coop issues and setting a couple of live traps to dispatch the current culprit will be a good idea. Ft. Knox coops are so worth it! Mary

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