Foxes and racoons


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 2, 2012
One of my friends also has chickens and theirs are already in the coop and one of their chickens got caught by a fox. They caught two foxes and a racoon. I live near them so should i be worried about my chickens?
You should always be worried about your chickens unless you have predator proofed your coop (and a run if you have one). The predators are always there and right now fox are feeding their babies and will come out in broad daylight to eat anything they can. I had to lock mine up until I can get my back field fenced and I've had to add electric wire to my coops. So far so good. I hope. :)
Well my friend has a really good coop and so do I but foxes and racoons here are pretty smart
We are in Central Indiana and have lost more chickens to fox this year than in the entire 12 years we've had chickens. We are also experiencing drought conditions which I'm sure are stressing the fox. We now keep our girls in a large enclosure until we either get past the drought conditions or the kit raising period.

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