Foxes have moved in!!!!

There's a guy around here that makes live traps with a compartment at opposite end of door that can be baited with a live pigeon, banty, whatever. I caught 3 foxes in this manner. Compartments are made of really small squared wire, so now I also have 2 banties added to my flock.
If u get a chicken from the store and leave it not to far away from we're it had a chicken then wait till the wind faces u and wait with a dog\s and or a large net and a brick
a good trick is to leave one hen in the run so the fox comes then either shot it. or chase it back down its hole and put a hose there and slowly fill the hole with water so the fox has to come out and leave. one more trick is to go to a neighbour and ask them to get there dog to pee round the hole to scare it of
Hi all: Well, we got a huge bag of hair from the local barbers and made bombs out of old stockings. We sprinkled hair along the foxes trails, on their poos and put hair bombs in all entrances of the den. We also hung hair bombs from our fence. Then we sprinkled male urine all over the trails, the den and the fence and around our garden. Next day we went back and caved in the the entrances to the den. Since then there has been no signs of digging or sightings of foxes at all so keep your fingers crossed. Maybe just maybe we have driven Mr fox away. We will keep sprinkling the hair and urine every few days. :) :)
Well, I hope you drove them FAR away. Bad thing about a fox, he won't take just one bird in an attack. He will wipe you out if he has time. I shoot them on site. After a couple of mass killings here (Both daylight attacks), I bought some electrified poulty netting. Now the birds can hang out, and I don't have to worry about them.

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