Fragrant plants around Coop, safe for Chickens?


7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
McKinney, TX
This is more for outside the coop, but I was curious what plants I could plant around my coop that will have a pleasant smell and either won't be toxic to the chickens or they won't want to eat. Also is the citronella plant ok to put there?
I am not sure if there is anything that grows that a chicken will not, at least, take a try at eating. Being in Texas I think you could grow jasmine. I grow it where I am and I believe our climates are similar. You could put it in the ground near the coop and it will grow like a vine all around if you want it like that. I keep mine in very large pots. Fairly easy to grow, also. You could also try bouganvilia. It does not have a strong smell, but they are very pretty and I think the thorns would keep the chickens from doing much damage.

As far as the citronella plant I know that they can be toxic to dogs. Citronella scent from the candle is toxic to birds but the cironella in the candles does not come from the citronella plant.
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I think jasmine may be toxic. I would do roses - zephryn druin - probably not spelled correctly. Is a thornless climbing rose that I've grown in Grand Prairie for several years. It stays pretty healthy. I hate thorns because I hate getting stuck. I'm not into painful gardening.
There are some Jasmine plants that may have a mild toxic quality, however, the jasmine I plant is a vine called confederate or star jasmine and from all the literature I have looked at, it is not toxic and grows great in Texas
Thanks for the ideas! We already have three rose bushes in our main yard and one has started to bloom. I'll look at the jasmine.
I have grown star jasmine around my chicken coop fences for 20 years and never had a problem. I love that vine, ever green, non root invasive, drought tolerant and gorgeous.
I think your best bet is to plant something that the chickens *can* eat, but grows fast and heartily enough that it is not bothered by them. I have various herbs planted around my yard, yes they peck at them, but they are good for them (and therefore good for me via the eggs!).
My favorite good-smelling one is the lemon verbena. They grow rather quickly to a decent sized bush, are drought tolerant, and you can even use them in cooking/teas/desserts for yourself! And they smell like lemon merengue pie!
We're in Texas and we have lemongrass, mint and rosemary planted around the coop. The girls peck at the plants but don't destroy them.
There is a jasmine variety called a false jasmine that is toxic to chickens. it has a bitter taste to chickens, so if they do get it in their mouths, they will spit it out. Most others won't cause any harm to chickens.

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