Frankenstein the Zombie Roo! ***UPDATED WITH PICS!!!***

You know everybody should get one of those electric collars
just in case somebodies chicken is losing energy.
AWESOME STORY! YOU ARE A TRUE HERO! And as far as the's our story(ies).

We had a bearded dragon, Alice, who was missing half left front arm, most fingers from right hand (the normally longest finger was stumped and the only one left - you know it looked like she was "filppin' the bird" all the time), missing foot from right back leg, missing toes from back left leg, stumped tail, and later in life became paralized due to growth on spine. She had been chewed on by siblings when they hatched (bad caretakers at the pet store). She could still get around very well; handicapable she was. We had a shallow 1 inch deep water dish that we only filled half way; it barely crested the top of her body. One day when Scott came home from work he found her upsidedown in the water, not moving. OH NOOOO!!! He grabbed her out, held her vertical and squeezed the water out; then started mouth-to-mouth. SHE SURVIVED! This happened again 2 months later and again she survived! After that, we put a smaller dish in that she could not get into for bath but only drink. I don't know why this happened. She had this same water dish for 2 years and never a problem until then. A friend suggested she was trying to suicide. ?? She passed away several years later, not due to drowning, but natural causes.

We had 2 savanah monitors, one slightly smaller than the other. The girls lived together for about a year, no problem. One day my nephew came running outside yelling ISABELLE IS EATING RUTH! We ran in and found Iz sitting on Ruth with her head in her mouth with Ruth's head twisted all the way around. I picked up Iz and Scott pried her mouth open and pulled Ruth out. He quickly took her to the other room and shook her and massaged her; no response. He started mouth-to-mouth (remembering the episode with Alice) and SHE STARTED BREATHING AGAIN! I don't know that this was a good thing, she had brain damage and never ate on her own again. We had to get her started on the mouse and then she would swallow. She did drink on her own and roamed the house as she normally did before. She lived for many years and died of old age.

Mouth-to-mouth on a chick or a lizard... YUCKY? I think it is worth it and would do it myself if needed by any animal.
Pales by comparison, but I did the heimlich on my mother's late dalmation, April, several times. She loved (LOVED) grapes and carrots, and occasionally aspirated a piece. I think it was actually easier on a larger dog----I just straddled her and did the thrusts by reaching under her belly. She was always very appreciative. Such a sweetie.

Great job on Frankie! (Did you ever figure out what happened to him in the first place?)

Just found this thread. LOVE the wonderful way you saved Frankenstein!!! Way to go!!! Frankenstein is absolutely stunning. What a gorgeous roo!!! Reading his story reminds me of the time I was working at a Fall festival and one of the HUGE pigs there had a ton of babies. I was standing on the "boardwalk" overlooking the pigpen and she was standing up with piglets all around her. Suddenly she laid down, right on top of one of her babies! Everyone else who was watching just sort of stood there wondering if she had squished him. I ran over to her (on the outside of the fence) and used a stick to try and pry her up. It wasn't working. So then I climbed in the pen and she started to get up and I grabbed the baby. (I think the mom was lethargic from just having given birth - lucky for me!) The baby was limp and not breathing and so I did the unthinkable and gave mouth to mouth. The little piglet had just been born earlier that day so he was pretty clean! It worked and, before long, he was hanging with his brothers and sisters and I couldn't tell which one was him. I understand it's very common for pigs to smother their babies by accident the way this mother almost did.

And some of you may have seen the video "History of the Chicken" where a woman found one of her hens frozen stiff when she went to put them up for the night. She brought her in and put her in a box until she could decide what to do with her. The chicken's legs were sticking straight up and she was stiff as a board. At some point, she thought the hen twitched and she began to give her mouth to mouth and, just like all the other wonderful stories here, she came alive! The lady let her stay in the house for a few days and let her watch TV while she recovered. LOL!!!!
I totally agree. I am just sitting here in amazement!!!! I am so happy for the handsome little guy. Cuddos to your fast thinking!!!!!

WHAT A LOVER HE IS...adorable!!!! And that is without a doubt the coolest most heart warming story I have ever read. WAY TO GO!
Ohh! I think I need to repost to let people know that MY Frankenstein is NOT the Frankenstein from this post. I just thought it was cool that she named her saved chicken Frankenstein. HERS is a REAL. Frankenstein, saved by electro shock therapy. MINE just LOOKS like electrocution necessary.

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