Frankie injured his beak/ bill


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
Up North MN
Frankie has a black spot on his lower bill. I am not sure how he injured it.

Is it anything to worry about? Can anything be done to fix it? The bluekote on his cheek is from an old injury.
Frankie has a black spot on his lower bill. I am not sure how he injured it.

Is it anything to worry about? Can anything be done to fix it? The bluekote on his cheek is from an old injury.
Is it a cut or bruised? when my gander cut his bill I only used ACV in his water bucket and his bill healed up real well. the ACV acts to kill bacteria. and it's also good for them internally too. started out using 2Tab. to 1gallon then after it healed went back to 1Tab to 1 gallon.
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it may have been cut. there wad some blood on his back featherd a few days sgo. it looked like it hsd been rubbed on.
it may have been cut. there wad some blood on his back featherd a few days sgo. it looked like it hsd been rubbed on.
Hard to say what he may have done I never did figure out where mine cut his but he has cut his bill 2X and both time has healed really well. Hopefully Frankies will heal well too./
we gave him some vinegar in his water tonight. Where do you get your acv. I ended up spending $8.50 for a quart.

we gave him some vinegar in his water tonight. Where do you get your acv. I ended up spending $8.50 for a quart.

I make my own with the mother in it. I also order from Vita cost it's cheaper, I buy either their brand with mother or Braggs, then I take a gallon of pasturized store brand and pour about a third of it into another container take the Braggs and shake real good then pour into the gallon to fill, put a paper towel over the top and secure with a rubber band. set in a dark place inside your house for a couple weeks, you should have mother growing by then then just keep using this to make more. Braggs is about 7.00 here in GS at Vita cost I believe it's still under 5.00
Thanks for the tip on ACV. We want to use it for the chickens too and it could get quite expensive. His beak seems to look a little better. Maybe it was a bruise. It does not seems as dark as it did earlier. Now if we could figure out how he did it.
Thanks for the tip on ACV. We want to use it for the chickens too and it could get quite expensive. His beak seems to look a little better. Maybe it was a bruise. It does not seems as dark as it did earlier. Now if we could figure out how he did it.
It does look better.
if he's anything like my 2 they are always sticking their heads into places they shouldn't.

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