Free Beautiful Easter Egger Cockerel 4 1/2 mos - looking for Good home


14 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Mid Hudson River Valley, NY
Please consider giving this gorgeous EE boy, Clarence, a good home. He'll watch a flock of hens!

He matured early, and began watching out for the gals at an early age (they free range). He also has learned to step back and let the gals eat first. He seems to be on track to becoming a good rooster.

I have seen only good signs of a nice roo... absolutely no signs of any nasty behavior!

He is very beautiful and from what you have said seems like a great rooster. I wish I was any where near you but Montana is a long ways away. I do hope you find a nice home for him. Good luck
sorry it took a bit to reply.... i spent the last two days trying to convince the DH about the roo but he said it's a bad time of year to throw another roo in the mix we have 5 already:( He is so pretty
Hi; have you found a home for Clarence yet? If you were going to be in VT, any chance you would travel to NH?
any chance you would travel to NH?

Yes, I would travel to NH. Just tell me where you are in NH. I'm very willing to meet up to find him a home.

Perhaps you could 'Private Message' me?


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