Free for all chickens contest - July/August 2013 (Extended - PRIZE)

Delta2 23

Flock Master
11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
Hi folks
Well, I've decided to start these up again, something I hope I won't regret after midyears are over in two weeks' time!

Anyone can enter any picture of a chicken, whatever age or breed. You can enter as many pictures as you want.
Please provide a couple of details for the prize, should you win.

Name of chicken:
Title for picture:

The prize will be a picture drawn by me, which I can email or PM to you.

For examples of past "Free for alls", see the following links:

Anyone can vote by "liking" a picture. You can have more than one vote. If the post has multiple pictures, please state the one you're voting for in your "like" comment.
The picture with the most votes at the end of the month wins. If it's a tie, I guess I decide. :p

The contest ends on August 15th.
Thanks and GOOD LUCK!
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"The Man In Charge"

"The Choreographer"

"It's Hammer Time"
Hey guys, thank you for your awesome entries. Some of the photos are a right crack-up! :lau

I'm extending the contest for a bit to see if we can get some more entries. :D
Thanks again for entering!

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