Free range chickens question


6 Years
Nov 5, 2013
Hello my chickens are completely free range they usually go into the wood all day but uhm I'm just wondering I ran out of feed which I usually only threw out food once a day and since in summer and they free range do I really even got to get food since they forage in the woods and there tons of bugs here to just let me know thank you
Yes, your chickens need access to good feed at all times! If they don't eat much, that's fine, but it must be out there in their coop. If they are laying hens, they also need free choice oyster shell. Mary
Hello my chickens are completely free range they usually go into the wood all day but uhm I'm just wondering I ran out of feed which I usually only threw out food once a day and since in summer and they free range do I really even got to get food since they forage in the woods and there tons of bugs here to just let me know thank you

With our games we can get by with minimal feed being put out and they forage extensively in woods. The natural forages are generally superior to anything you can buy but care must be taken to prevent birds from ranging too far. With our games, enough feed, usually as scratch and sometimes only whole corn is put out so birds have an easy and predictable food supply that keeps them centered on areas we want them to roost. When free-range and eating lots of green forages calcium intake is usually more than adequate to support egg laying but if feed / grains make up a large part of intake then calcium is best supplemented or you can also provide a restricted ration of layer feed.
Yeah there laying they slowed down tho and I throw them good an they get table scratch I haven't seen no eggs without shells from the nest I find. But does that mean there unhealthy? I feel bad :( lol but alright they really don't come to the yard much they always go back to the coop and they look like real happy chickens :) haha but thanks for the info is there anything else I should know??



Uhm they have chihuahuas and they don't like them I havnt had no problems tho they usually stay quiet and what can I get to protect them? I wanted turkeys but I can't seem to find any locally.
I am curious about this as well.. your chickens look very healthy and happy to me, and you certainly have abundant forage.. Awaiting more info...

As to protection, i know this one lol. ROOSTERS :) Plus you already have lots of place for the chickens to hide from hawks and such, and you say they are coming back to the roost at night so if its a secure coop, get a rooster or two to warn the chickens and even though your chickens dont like your chihuahuas, just them being around will discourage a lot of predators, so this is good :)
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I feed my chickens maybe 3 days a week and they are on their own for the other 4. Never seen an empty crop. Lol
Yeah lol I have a lot of places they can run endless and I do have 2 roosters surprisingly he just sticks by himself tho a Rhode Island Red rooster.

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