Free Range Hen - is she trying to lay?


7 Years
Oct 25, 2012
Tootie is my first turkey, she is a bronze hen and is 6 months old. About two weeks ago she started squatting whenever I would try to go behind and herd her/maneuver her around the farm so I know she is definitely a hen and is going through her "teen hormones." She was also a bit aggressive during the weeks leading up to that.

Now she is calm again, still doing the squatty "mount me" position but for the last three days she is actively seeking out tall weeds/brush on the farm. I am not sure if she is just trying to eat the seedheads or if with winter making the greenery die off she is just finding grasshoppers and bugs more easily. I was wondering though if she might be trying to nest?

I am in Florida and our winters are mild, but wouldn't she postpone any leg laying until spring?

PS - Tootie has her own Facebook page, I am hoping to have some children's books starring her published (searching for an agent). If you are on Facebook, please "like" her page!
Well I guess I have my answer.
I locked her in a horse stall to run an errand and came back to this.

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