Free range in the backyard


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Livermore, California
I live in city limits and am planning on letting my chickens free range full time in my backyard, they would be in the coop at night. Does anyone else do this, who lives in the suburbs? I won't be doing this until they are full grown as well. Also will not let my dog in the backyard unattended by me. I work three days a week and they would be alone in the yard for these days. Any thoughts? Would this be safe? We only have the night predators like racoons, opposums, and skunks.
My girls used to free range in the backyard all day. They killed everything green. I now have no lawn or living plants. I ended up building them a run attached to their coop which is a little more then 1/4 the size of the backyard...way more space then they will ever need.

I currently am in the process of growing a new lawn and have raised gardens.

Good luck!!!!
I used to let my girls out to free range in the city, all day , most days. However, we have started only letting them out for three or four hours simply because they trashed the yard! We have never had predator problems, but the girls are in a yard that is really protected, and their run, which we keep open all day as well, is completely covered to give them shelter in case of bad weather...they love it. I am no expert, but thats what I do, and have not lost one yet - a couple close calls with our hound, but all is well!

Good luck!
My hens free range in my backyard all day long. I'm in the burbs. I have 4 hens in about a 6000 sf yard. They do a little spot damage, but nothing major. I still have a lawn and other plants.
Be forewarned that those night predators will come out during the day. I have raccoons, possums, hawks, and eagles around fortunately they've not been a problem.

Thanks all. It's just what I wanted to hear! Free range it is
There is some risk to doing this, but as long as you're willing to accept that risk it should work fine. If your chickens are standard sized, cats roaming the neighborhood shouldn't be a problem. Hawks will attack and kill chickens even when the chicken is too heavy for them to carry away. And loose dogs sometimes dig under or even go over fences to get at chickens.

As others have noted, your chickens might fly over your fence, too.
can i have mine free range without a fence? i have neighbors but none have dogs that run around. will the chickens stay in my yard? the houses arent that close together
I free range in the yard when I am home, when I am away they are locked up. I reccomend a fence or they will venture off. I trained mine to come when I whistle or clap my hands so when they do happen to stray over into the neighbors yard they come running right back when called for. We put up cheap chicken wire fencing in the back yard on both sides of the yard to keep them from going into the neighbors yard when I am not out there watching their every move. As long as there are plenty of places to hide ie: trees, bushes, and whatnot they should be fine.

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