Free range sneaky layers


Jan 24, 2022
My free range girls like to hide/lay their eggs. I will watch them and find their spot and then two days later they shift on me and I have to hunt them down again. I have a coop, but two of the girls get really loud and indignant if they are locked in, and since I am in an urban area I can’t let them make a racket.
Any tips and suggestions? My husband said to put a tile tracker on them🤣.

My free range girls like to hide/lay their eggs. I will watch them and find their spot and then two days later they shift on me and I have to hunt them down again. I have a coop, but two of the girls get really loud and indignant if they are locked in, and since I am in an urban area I can’t let them make a racket.
View attachment 2976803Any tips and suggestions? My husband said to put a tile tracker on them🤣.

I wish I had that answer. I HAVE a easter egg hunt literally daily.And this didn't happen until more of my girls started laying .And one is very vocal like someone is trying to kill her ...And we have plenty of nesting boxes.Im dumb founded.Please share if you find a solution 😉
Funny, some people call use the term "bird brain" as a disparaging label. Isn't it amazing how often they manage to outsmart us humans!?

Good luck with the egg hunts. My chickens aren't so bad, but I can actually hear my runner ducks LAUGHING when I try to find the eggs they hide in the spring and summer.

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