Free range?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 22, 2010
I have about 17 assorted birds --4 of which are Leghorn roosters (6 weeks) the rest are hens ranging from 1 1/2 years to 6 weeks.
They all get along but now the roos are starting to crow and challange each other--too funny to watch--they sound like they have astma.
Any way I have a 14 x 35 pen with a wire cover and I was thinking about letting them free range--how long should they live in this pen before it is safe to turn them loose so they will return?
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I had mine in a brooder truck for 3 weeks before they were put in a coop.
Now they are easy to "round" up at night, most of them tuck themselves in before I get to them...

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