Free Wyandotte rooster (SC)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
I have a handsome silver-laced Wyandotte rooster with green wings/tail who needs a home! He's about 8 months old. He was supposed to be a hen and I can't keep roosters in my neighborhood. Greenville SC area. I can email or text pics.
I can check into it If you can pay shipping. I wouldn't be able to. I paid $10 for him just a few months ago and i'm giving him away because the farm where I bought him is giving me a free hen to replace him.
If you give me your zip code I can see what it would cost to ship.
I am in West Columbia and can come pick him up this Fri evening if that works for you- I have 2 hens and he would be a welcome addition
Eagleghost17: I think it will be too much trouble (and money) to ship. There are a couple if local people that want him. Thanks though!

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