Freedom Rangers

Nice work on the FR and next gens. Love the pix too.


We have about 7 of the FR hens left. They are still the main staple layers.

One FR hen passed on over night. We didn't know she was egg bound, then hemoraged and died. She layed the biggest eggs and at times up to two per day.
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Last year my family raised Broilers, (Meat) and let them run everywhere. We let them grow too long, and when my dad killed them, the meat was tough. It is because of letting them run around, they use their muscles too much. They are only supposed to live at leased 10 weeks. If you kill your meaters and realize that the meat is tough, when you get your next batch, put them in a smaller space.
Giving them feed in the evening, fine. Just beware that they might be begging for feed all the time, but that is just natural. Our meaters beg for food every time they run out. I feel bad for them every time I check for eggs, but that is just the way they are.

I hope this helped a little bit of your problem
If it doesn't, well, sorry for posting.

Your welcome!
Our second generation birds are doing well. they are gaining good size just like 1st generation Rangers. Hope to have enough hens next spring so I can breed our own Rangers.
10 weeks. If you kill your meaters and realize that the meat is tough, when you get your next batch, put them in a smaller space.

Often times we wait 12 weeks if ranging mixed with organic grain feed.

A small space is ideal or a narrow run with obsticles to prevent them from sprinting.
Often times we wait 12 weeks if ranging mixed with organic grain feed.

A small space is ideal or a narrow run with obsticles to prevent them from sprinting.
That is also another way to put it. Smaller spaces means not a lot of exercise for stronger muscles, and harder meat. Also, for fast running of, roosters chasing, or playing, means maybe broken legs from fast running. But, that will only happen if they are super fat. It is not really common for a fat chicken to be at top speed, but it can happen. Especially if they have enough room to do it.
Good afternoon, i'm looking into rasing FR. what is the gentic make up of the bird? Where do i start? I'm wanting them for meat.

This is your source:

A lot of pretenders out there. This guy has the real thing. Have been very pleased with their carcass quality and we kept several and raised up for breeders. We currently have a yard full of long-adolescent, 2nd generation FR. The color patterns start to drift around a bit but their carcasses are still nice and meaty. If you intend to keep some for breeders I wouldn't recommend you plan on more than one season as breeders. Just raise yourself another replacement crop and let them produce the next year.
GIven that they are a 4 line cross it is not possible to breed "true". Can you use them to breed more chickens, yes. BUt don't expect the next generation to be as uniform as the chicks you purchase initially.

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