Freezing eggs.

I totally had to read this post. I've never frozen eggs on purpose, but I've done it by accident many times when the fridge got set to a setting that was too cold. Now I know they are still good for baking when that happens. Awesomeness!
I know this thread is basically dead but instead of starting a new one in just going to ads on. Hope the op doesn't mind. Im going to see what frozen eggs taste like scrambled as I have an over abundance of eggs and apparently no takers. I don't bake enough to use them all up that way, so hoping these taste good.
I too have frozen eggs as I do get an abundance of them in the Summer months...they are great for cooking!

I was advised by a friend ( that spoke to a Chef about freezing ) that eggs are better if the yolk is separated from the white of the egg...I must admit however, that I have never tried this method.
I swear, I learn something new every time I check out the BYC website! The silicon muffin tin for freezing eggs is a great idea. Mom used to freeze eggs all the time - especially if she had to only use yolks for something and didn't want to throw out the whites - or vice versa - so I know you can do this but the muffin tin container is perfect. Was wondering what to do with eggstra eggs ..

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