Fresh eggs sign


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Does anyone know where to get them? I'm talking about the kind you can put out by the road. I recall awhile back that I saw them on one of the hatchery's website, but now I can't find them. I checked at BYC's new sponsor the Randall Burkey company's site. They have some really cute signs, but no eggs for sale signs.
HI, here's some from My Pet Chicken, I think they just say "fresh eggs", my dial up connection is really slow tonite.
It's no wonder with that storm headed that way, huh? Everybody and their brother must be on the phones. Stay safe throughout ya hear? and thanks for the link.
I made a cute country looking one out of wood and posted it at the corner of our road...

A few days later someone stole it!

I later saw it in a flower bed in someones yard in town!
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I am sure I'd be knocking on that door and asking a few questions- and that sign WOULD be going back home with me!!!!!!!!
I thought there was someone on here that was making Egg signs.
They were very nice!

Darn this dumb memory of mine:mad:
Heck sounds like something I would do. "oh what a lovely sign you have. By the way..whered ya get it?"

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