Fresh to the member area but been to BYC a few times.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 16, 2015
Jennings County, IN
I'm new to hatching baby chicks and I am absolutely having a blast at it. I'm in Jennings County, Indiana so if your local and need some hatching done or wanna talk chicken hit me up. I am working on getting NPIP Certified at the moment and hope to be hatching and shipping chicks within a few months. But unlike the hatcheries I have seen everything is going thru 2 people here by hand and with a sense of humanity. The laying hens for the hatching eggs are all free range and get some fresh non-gmo garden grown feed to supplement them. If you have tips or tricks or can teach me how to vent sex I would love the help!!
Welcome back to BYC. Glad you decided to re-join our flock. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What kind of chickens do you have?
Glad you joined us.
Thanks for the sexing video. Right now I have Red Star, Wel Summer, Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn, Easter Eggers and Jersey Giant . I am going to be getting a load of fertile eggs tomorrow or Monday. I am hoping for around 100- 150 eggs So I can really get my Breeder Flock Started and by summer have plenty producing fertile eggs to hatch.

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