Friendly Ameraucanas story + bantam Brahmas 4 sale S. Idaho/N. Utah


15 Years
May 25, 2008
Super nice show-quality bantam Buff Brahma hen & roo, plus another pet-quality Buff Brahma roo. Will not be letting these 3 go until after show in October but could make arrangements earlier. $40 for all 3.
Young brother-sister pair of large fowl Wheaten Ameraucanas. Rare treasure for this area--I only know of 1 other family in Utah or Idaho for sure that has these, though there are possibly 2 other families. This Ameraucana line is SUPER FRIENDLY AND SWEET. $22 for the pair.
I won't ship any of these, but could help arrange transporting them as far north as Pocatello, Idaho or as far south as Salt Lake City, Utah.
Edited 9/8/08 to add: Ameraucanas now sold, but more available in spring.
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I would love your Wheaten Ameraucana pair!
Are they still available?
I am in Logan, Utah.
When will you be ready to let them go?
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Where in Idaho are you located? I would love to see the wheaten ameraucanas. I am interested in them but need to talk to DW about it. We want some green egg layers that look "cool" because our easter eggers are looking a little drab next to our Orps, Marans, and Speckled Sussex, but we would like to continue to have greeen eggs.

Thanks for replies!
The Franklin County Fair was a few weeks ago. Our Brahma hen placed overall first runner-up!

I LOVE our Wheaten Large Fowl Ameraucanas! They (plus Blue Wheatens) are what we plan to focus on breeding for years to come. The males are very brightly colored, but I actually I like the soft coloring of the females even better.
Unfortunately, I already sold the last Ameraucanas I had available a little over 2 weeks ago.
However, in the spring I hope to get a batch of 25 Blue Wheaten & Wheaten Large Fowl Ameraucana chicks shipped from Paul Smith (well-known Ameraucana breeder) in Texas. I'm working on getting a group of people who want chicks together (There are already at least 2 others interested) to split the chicks & the cost. Would you be interested then? If so, please private-email your phone & regular email address & I'll coordinate with you as plans get further along.
BTW--Our breeding line lays blue eggs. Some of Paul's lay blue and some somewhat turquoise.
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I have to add a cute story from today about our Ameraucanas.
One of my friends who also loves chickens came by to visit today. I took her outside to show her how tame our Ameraucanas are.
I stepped into the run where we have our breeding hen and two pullets from her. I held out my arm to show my friend Riley's 'trick' of flying up onto my arm. Right away, Riley flew up for some cuddling, and then the next thing I knew, Little had flown up also and perched atop my head!!! My friend said they put on a great show

They are the loving-est chickens
Congrats on your Brahma Hen's win!!!

I just love that story!
My ameraucana loves to fly up onto my shoulder when I come out into the yard to socialize with my flock.
Especially if I sit down.
It melts my heart like butter!!!

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