

9 Years
Oct 13, 2010
Franklin, NC
Well I'm not sure if this is the right spot to put this but I hope it is. I just wanted to get something off my chest when it comes to "friends" I that's ok?

I just..... I don't understand how someone who calls you there "friend" will quite talking to you as soon as someone tells them to or something goes wrong. What happened to as they say friends sticking together though thick and thin??? Maybe it's just me but I don't care what my friends have done in their past or even if they screwed up now. And if someone doesn't like who I call my friends then to bad for them, because I don't care what they think. Your suppose to be there for your friends... and hope that in return they'll be there for you when you need them. Why does no one do that???
heres my friendship story:

I once had a friend, her name was Jade. We were the bestestestestestestest of friends two girls could get:) everybody in our grade knew we were BFFs, so they knew not to even bother trying to steal Jade from me, or me from Jade. (hard to explain :p )

Well, we were friends from as soon as we could walk up until 5th grade.
in 5th grade we were just standing in line waiting to do something i cant remember what, and Jade said "wanna ask Sarah and Erica if they wanna hang out with us?"
I was hesitant, bc i sorta had this feeling that if somebody got between us, it would be the end. AND IT WAS!!!

She went over there (dragging me along) and made great friend with them. they liked her alot, but they ignored me. it was like i didnt even exhist
well, after school we also got distant (we were neighbors) and then a bunch of junk happened where i got jealous and we got into a fight then we hardly ever talked.
then, we made up and hung out together more :D
and u would never guess what happened right about that time.
my parents announced we were moving
only 45 minutes away but enough to ensure that we didnt chat as much.

but she still comes over everyonce in awhile and we email and txt and skype and stuff. but its not the same :((
Aww I'm sorry tadpole
At least you guys were able to work it out, and you still get to see each other! I understand it not being the same. I had some really good friends but after we moved we slowly grew farther apart :(

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