
5 Years
Jun 27, 2014
i know your not suppose to breed frizzle to frizzle. My question is can you breed a chicken thats not frizzled but carries the frizzle gene to another chicken thats not frizzled but also carries the frizzle gene also?
For the most part, if a bird has the frizzled gene, it WILL show. The gene is incompletely dominant, meaning that zero copies is not frizzled, one copy is frizzles and two copies have overly frizzled feathers. This is traditionally called curly. There is a separate, recessive gene that unfrizzles the feathers when two copies are present. If the bird does not have frizzled feathers, you would never know it is present, even if the bird has the two copies needed for it to be effective. If the bird has frizzled feathers, you will not know that the modifier gene is present if the bird only has one copy, and if the bird has two copies, you may not know that the bird carries a frizzle gene. If the bird has two copies of frizzle, it will look similarly to a bird with only one copy, but without the modifier.

So, short answer is that your two unfrizzled birds most likely do not carry the frizzle gene, but if they do, they also have two copies of the modifier.
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