From "hero" to "zero"


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
My chickens and chicks continue to amaze me.

Four of our little ones have developed "pasty butt", probably from the heat.

So they had to be caught, the "cement" removed from their backsides, and they had antibiotic ointment applied to their little rears to forestall irritation and infection.

During this ordeal, they were protesting mightily; and 'Nugget was threatening me. They have no way of knowing it's for their own good, and I'm trying to help them. The thing that's interesting is (other than making me feel like a villain) their cries definitely have a specific meaning. Probably something like "Help, Mama, chick molester!!"

Before when I'd go to see them, McNugget and the babies would all come over to check out what I'm up to. Now they all dash under her, and she growls at me. So in the space of one day, I've gone from "Wonderful Food Guy" to "Mean Old Vent Guy"! The difference is all about how they communicate with each other.

Hopefully, I can go back to being their buddy. If not, I love them anyway and it's still fascinating how much our birds convey through their language!
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Aww I am shure that with enough yummy treats and no more butt picking they will all come to like you again.

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