From paper to rice hulls--ack!


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 9, 2007
I have been lining my "chick box" with newspaper and paper towels (for traction and less ink transfer). Lately my 1 and 2 week old chicks have been scratching the paper into shreds. I decided that perhaps I should use something besides paper and went with rice hulls at the reccommendation of the local feed store. When I put the babies onto the new floor material, they freaked out! I had to make sure the littlest weren't trampled as they all crowded onto the small piece of curved floor that was paper only. Now I've got them walking on the hulls but it appears they are eating them. Are they? They know what their food is--will they actually eat the hulls? Will this hurt them? THanks.
I have never used rice hulls....I use pine shaveings. It is soft..and they might peck at it, but rarely eat it. I am sure someone out there uses rice hulls, or has used them. Hope someone can give you a better idea about them being safe.
My wife has fed adult chicks rice hulls, our chickens are one month old now and she is going to feed them some steamed rice soon but not overly cooked. My wife tells me they can be fed rice hulls after about 10 days with no problems.
My wife and I fed our 1 month old chicks a little rice off the top of the rice cooker( it was a little firm not to soft) today they gobble it right up until it was all gone leaving their regular food in the feeder. My wife tells me that if your chickens poo is running this will help thicken it just like the adult droppings it also does not smell as bad. Start off by giving them a little sometimes it is better to wash it off under cold after it has been cooked.
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