from peeping to clucking; as chicks grow

Y N dottes

7 Years
Sep 1, 2012
South Central WI
this never really occurred to me before, but now im curious.
At what age about does a chick stop peeping and starts clucking more like a grown hen. Im guessing its a gradual thing, but is there a time that is noticeable?
my chicks are about 4 weeks, but sound the same as they did around a day old
Mine didn't stop peeping until they were at least 12 weeks old, perhaps a little older. I just remember thinking "Hey, they actually sound like chickens now!"
The change is gradual, but my pullets usually begin making hen sounds by about 10-14 weeks of age. Of course, roosters will start crowing by then, too.
We have 3 that are 7 weeks old and 2 that are only 5 weeks old. I thought I heard a cluck last night. Ran out to see what chicken it came from but didn't hear it again. Then I thought I heard it again this morning, again went to check and nothing but peeping. I think they are playing tricks on me!
I am very new to this but my little flock is 7 weeks old and every now and then I hear a cluck sneak out. It really is amusing to see these girls who are really getting pretty big still walking around with their baby voices for the most part. They are most apt to sqwack with their big girl voice when they are upset or something scares them. I suspect it won't be long before the peeps fade away.
I was watching them as my son was feeding them tonight and heard a few clucks! It is our EE Roxy. She seems to be the first to do everything. She had a funny look on her face after she clucked and looked at me. Son and I laughed for a good 5 minutes!

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