Frost bite


Mar 29, 2020
So this morning the tempature was 49 degrees, so not to cold in Wisconsin. My coop has 7 hens and my lovely rooster. When i let them into their run today, i noticed the my rooster has something black on his comb that was just on the tips and twords the back of the comb? What could the be? I think its frost bite, but i don't know anything about it, so please help me. My rooster Oreo is a Light Brahma that i got in Early April as a chick so he is 6 months old. My 7 ladies don't have it, so i thought that was strange. My 7 ladies are:
1- light brahma ( 6 months old)
1- production red (6 months old)
1- ameraucana ( 6 months old)
1- salmon faverolle ( 6 months old)
1- isa brown ( 1 year and 1/2)
1- barred rock ( 1 year and 1/2)
1- black sex link (1 year and 1/2)
I know my ratio is low for hens but i plan on getting 4 more this spring, 2 cochin pullets, 1 buff orphington, 1 buff brahma.
Anyways, can some tell me what to do with whats on his comb, and if its frost bite.
thank you,
Frostbite would never occur unless the temperatures were below 32F freezing, and the comb was wet or there was moisture. Peck wound and injuries can be black. Having more than one cockerel would increase the possibility of pecking or being runninto fencing. Fowl pox sometimes may look like injuries. Do you have any pictures?
He’s on the top of pecking order. He is my only rooster

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