Frozen eggs!!!

i am not sure what its called but the things you can buy for your car to reflect the sun, they are silver with a bit of some type of padding in them??? i used one to reflect the sun from the storm door this past summer and i know they started picking on that and made a couple holes so i took it back down. they wont eat anything though, i made some biscuits that they refused to eat.
defiantly not Betty Crocker.

Have you tried shucked sunflower seeds or sprouts? My chickens go gaga over those things.

Not like biscuits?? Thats pretty crazy chickens usually love bread.
Ditto.....if the shell cracks I will bring the eggs in to thaw and feed them to the dog. Worried about contamination. Living in WI I do find frozen eggs at times. On my days off I can check the nestboxes frequently but days I'm gone for 8+ hrs result in a few 'dog treats' here and there. My coop is not heated but roomy, dry and draft free and my chickens are cold hardy breeds. They took several weeks off due to molting and shorter daylight hours but 2 out of 6 started laying again Jan 2 :)
I would be concerned that if the egg has cracked open bacteria and feces have free access into the interior of that egg. Even if the crack seals up after they thaw out, the foreign matter is being sealed in and you're eating that. We get frozen eggs too, and eat them if the shell is intact. But if they have cracked open, the dogs get them.
Our eggs don't crack nearly as bad as the ones in the photos on this thread haha. Hadn't thought about the bacteria, but our eggs are always clean and we haven't had any problems after eating them!
I've been eating our frozen eggs without any problem. Our eggs are frozen solid. I rinse the egg while the shell is still on and then peel it under running water. After it's peeled, I rinse it in running water. My thought is that the outer frozen layer melts off under the water and that's the only part that was exposed.
Sometimes my eyes don't work right and small font sizes hurt my eyes way after I turn off the computer. Xhite size font would you like me to write in for your convenience???
It is always nice to just use the same font, size and color that everyone else does.

When it comes to font it is not worth trying to be original.

People will always say if the font is big to stop yelling. Or same with all caps.

When you make it small people will say is too small and hard to read.

If you make it different colors people will say that color is hard to read or this and that.

Its the words that make you unique not how the words look.

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