

In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
I read an article today about a ruling in Baltimore, MD, that is forcing pit bull owners to either abandon their dogs, or be evicted from their homes. Even though I am not a 'pit bull' owner, this is frustrating to me. In the past, I have owned two dogs that would've fit into the loose group of ''pit bull-type''. I also know what it is like to have to get rid of or put down a dog, and it is NOT a simple thing. Unfortunately, many of these people have no choice. In a bad economy, they can't afford to move, and have to give up their dog.
In addition, the ruling applies to ''pure breed pit bulls'' (apparently before it applied to pit bulls AND pit bull mixes).
My question is, what are they referring to as a pit bull?
American Pit Bull Terriers? (UKC/ADBA registered I assume?)
AmStaffs, StaffyBulls and APBT?
How can you prove a dog is an actual purebred without papers? Hundreds of ''pit bulls'' aren't even registered.
And if then the rule applies to any ''pit bull-type'', would the dogs I had end up at the pound?
And if it applies to any dog that looks like a pit bull, what then?

I'm glad to hear that some dog owners are standing up to it, but I'm afraid that until it can be changed, dozens of dogs are going to end up at the shelter.

This is not going to turn out well.

Thanks for the vent btw!

Actually, there is more to it. The rule states that if a "pit bull" like dog attacks someone on the property, it may be the landlords problem. What this is doing if forcing many landlords that previously allowed the dogs to not allow them any more due to liability issues. My uncle is a landlord in Baltimore and actually called me because one of his tenants has bully breed. He asked me what I thought and I told him its not the dog, its the owner. This owner had been renting for 8 years and had never had a problem, not even a late payment. My uncle eventually decided that he is going to allow the breed on a case by case basis. Armstead Gardens, which is mentioned in the article, is a lower income neighborhood that has had problems in the past.

Baltimore is riddled with dog fighting, and people even go as far as stealing pit bull puppies/young dogs straight out of backyards for the sport. I understand what they are trying to do. In the low income housing areas and the "projects", Pit bulls are the only dogs you see. What the city is trying to do is prevent people that are not raising these dogs right from having them. My mom works with many landlords in Baltimore and has talked to them about this issue. Most of them say that they are going to allow it on a case by case basis, depending on background searches and past history with the renter. However, there are some landlords that will just tell the owner to get rid of the dog, without thinking it through.
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Thanks for the reply. I'm not surprised there is a lot of dog fighting, and I understand that landlords don't want to have any problems, but what is unfair is that responsible dog owners will affected as well as those who let their dogs get into trouble.
Luckily we live in Ohio were they were just removed from the viscous dog list and we no longer have to have insure them. If I had one in that state I would register as a mixed breed. That is what we did withe our pit/lab mix, just listed the little bug hunter as a mutt. He has a mean growl and sounds like he'd eat someone when he's playing, but is harmless. Too bad for the folks that a good dog owners, runed again by bad owners. What a shame.
Yes it is a shames

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