Full barred rock or mixed?

Hmmm is everyone sure ? I though barred rocks supposed to have yellow legs.
They look white to me at the photo , isn't that indicator of a possible cross ?

Thats why I wasn't sure about her being a BR her feet not being yellow cuz I have 2 WR and they both have yellow feet

Does she lay darker brown eggs?

I don't know yet I just got her yesterday and I figured that with the stress of moving it might be a few days until she does
How will I be able to tell if it is bumble foot and if it is how do I take care of it
Usually there will be a small scab like thing on the bottom of the foot.

Bumble foot is an infection in the foot.
You need to cut or squeeze the infection out so the foot can heal.
If the infection stays in the foot it can spread up the leg = not good.

The infection is usually thick hard cheese like 'stuff'....
I will look for a video on youtube to show you now...BRB.
She isn't a pure barred Rock because of the white skin. You can't tell by looking if she's pure for white skin either (as a Marans would be) or if she's carrying yellow indicating that she's a cross.

There are ways to find out by breeding her if it's really important to know. Otherwise, I'd just call her a lucky chicken.
I am going against the flow. Do you know how old? If she's already been laying, yellow legs bleach out to almost totally white late in laying season. My hens have yellow skin, but if you see them at about the time they molt, you'd think they had white skin. Not so at all.

She has the barring of a normal hatchery type BR hen. The comb is WAY too large and floppy and very high tail set, which, again is why I say hatchery hen. What color are her eggs? I had a BR hen, my first one, who was very light colored for a hen, plus her eggs were quite dark, but definitely a BR. Hatchery stock varies so much that even a Cuckoo Marans hen may lay fairly light brown for her breed so it's hard to go by that, too.
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Here is a breeder quality Barred Rock hen late in season-you can tell that her yellow legs are almost completely faded to white. Definitely pure. I'm not saying for sure that your hen is not a mix or not a Marans, could be a cross of the two, of course, but you cannot go entirely by leg color late in season. ALL yellow legged hens who lay fairly regularly will have leg color fade to white or almost white before they molt. I've certainly never seen a hen lay almost a year and keep full yellow color, not once.
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So she's been laying well over a year, most likely. It's possible she is just a normal hatchery Barred Rock whose legs are bleached out from laying. I was trying to find pics of the above hen when she was younger to show her yellow legs to prove they bleached, but apparently, I have taken so darn many pictures, and most of them my roosters, I am having a hard time finding the right ones.

Here is one hen, my first hatchery BR hen, Lexie, as a pullet. Nice yellow legs.
DCP_3674 (2017_08_11 00_47_01 UTC).JPG

Later after laying a long time, same hen. You can tell they're fading, but not all the way white yet. Was trying to hunt down later pics, but my computer is agonizingly slow today:

DCP_5179 (2017_08_11 00_47_01 UTC).JPG
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